When, not if...
The number of businesses through the nation is rather large. Many of these know they are regularly targeted. Too many of the remainder...
Cloudflare data leak may impact small businesses
A security risk that is being compared in magnitude to 2014 Heartbleed security problem was announced last week. Cloudflare, an internet...
Scottrade’s Breach Causing Headaches & Liability
When there is a breach, generally the target information is sold or otherwise used for malicious purposes. For instance, if a retail...
WCC14 Domain name privacy for small businesses
Your business does not want to be caught in the embarrassing position in which Sean Spicer, White House press secretary, recently found...
There have been a number of scams perpetrated over the years. These have preyed on the elderly, less than tech savvy, grandparents, and...
InfoSec Training – Still Pertinent
In each organization, there are the different areas of vulnerabilities. As with any organization, these can be located with the software,...
Hacking Continues to Follow Economic Models
In economics, there are the basic supply and demand curves. As these move up or down, and left or right, dependent on the circumstances,...
New Version of DDoS Increasing CISO’s Blood Pressure
Generally, as evidenced by recent attacks, with a DDoS attack mass packets are sent to the target. These may be sent from a bot army or...
51% of SMBs attacked by ransomware according to survey
It seems that no business is too small to be a target of ransomware. Ponemon Institute, a research company that focuses on information...
Drones and Small Business Cybersecurity
Drones are being used for many creative tasks. They are now used to deliver packages and take-out. Pizza express, anyone? Cowboys may no...