Face-Palm #89: Taiwanese Police Epic Fail
Face-Palm #89: Taiwanese Police Epic Fail Charles Parker, II There are a limited number of instances that would warrant a face-palm....
Compromises: It’s Not Just for Banks Anymore
The typical target in the past has been entities holding confidential, sensitive information. This is readily marketable and depending on...
Critical Infrastructure (CI) Targeted Again and Again and Again
Critical infrastructure (CI) is one of the underlying backbones of our civilization. This aspect supports virtually all we are actively...
Medical Records: Valuable Assets
As each week passes, more medical facilities are compromised and an increasing number of consumer medical records are bundled for sale on...
Quick Facts on Meltdown and Spectre for Small Businesses
2018 started off with a bang for cybersecurity experts and anyone with a computer. Here is a summary from various news sources of what...
Let's automate (security) and not procrastinate
With each dawn, there are new stories relating there has been yet another compromise and a mountain of data had been exfiltrated via an...
AI LT Effects: Not as Bad as Portrayed
The latest advance and paradigm shift which has been focused on is the application of AI to most walks of life. This will clearly change...
What's old is new again: Part II
An aspect of human nature not explored sufficiently is the lack of memory permanence. There is the distinct length of time people...
Are your employees paying ransom on your cyber attack?
A staggering 59% of office workers have paid ransom on their company’s ransom attack at work. A recent study, by Intermedia, a cloud...
Emotet Evolution: Banking Trojan Still Popular
For malware to continue to be relevant in the market and being used in one form or another there has to be an aspect that continues to be...