Technology Advancement Tempered with Prudence
Technology is advancing at such a fantastic rate. The pace at time is difficult to manage. These advances have the distinct possibility...
Another tool for monitoring insider risk
The risk to an organization is manifested in many different packages and from many sources. One particularly poignant area of potential...
Cybersecurity, the aviation industry, and AI
Aviation's prevalence and use for consumer and commercial uses is well-known. The noted parties are not always able to drive to their...
Another defense to ransomware
Ransomware continues to be a relative nightmare. These have the ability to quickly ruin the CISO’s day and wreak havoc on operations. A...
New California Privacy Act Impacts Small Businesses and Data Gathering
In a week’s time, the California Legislature submitted and approved a landmark privacy bill called the California Consumer Privacy Act of...
InfoSec Global Staff Shortage: Not Easing Up Soon
There is a mass shortage of InfoSec personnel. The shortage has been well published through many different outlets, academic articles,...
Bank’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Valuable Assets (to Sell)
Banks have the privilege of collecting our data and storing this for their uses. As the banks store this data and information, the banks...
Even the railway has valuable data to protect
For a business to be targeted, there needs to be something of value to exfiltrate. The attackers are not going to go through the effort...
SunTrust Insider Threat: Potential Issue for 1.5M Clients
Insider threats have to be taken seriously and accounted for in some form or manner. Although business owners would hope this would not...
AI Will Supplement Our Activities
AI research has been growing by leaps and bounds. There are new firms being created, working towards ML and AI applications, and...