Cybersecurity and Shipping
Shipping goods and services can be a rather taxing process in its own right. If the product is smaller, and the contents are not on the...
Cybersecurity and Toys
Toys bring a smile to a child’s face. At certain events and holidays, children and some adults look forward to for an entire year. As...
Cybersecurity and Blockchain
Blockchain over the many years since its inception has been used primarily for one use-cryptocurrency. With its immutability due to the...
Cybersecurity and Your Municipalities
Ransomware is prevalent in the current landscape. Seemingly there are at least one or two attacks published every week. There are...
Cybersecurity and eVoting.
With the current state of the pandemic, the business operations have vastly changed from a year ago. One area of change has been voting....
Cybersecurity, Governments and Passwords
Governments, local and federal, provide certain services to the people they represent. These may consist of snow removal, unemployment...
Cybersecurity and the EU GDPR
May 25, 2018, will certainly be in the mind of CISOs and data managers around the world for some time to come. At this point in time, the...
Cybersecurity and Satellites
Our need for more data, information, and these in a timely manner have driven research through the years. Many years ago, this was...
Cybersecurity and eCampus breach
Oregon State University (OSU) is located in Corvallis, OR. As with most universities and schools, there is a virtual option for the...
Cybersecurity and Non-profits
Non-profits, as indicated by their name, are not designed to profit from their activities. They provide services, goods (e.g. clothing or...