Cybersecurity and Military Autonomous Vehicles
Security isn’t just for the consumer vehicle market by Charles Parker Vehicles continue to be targeted by malicious attackers and...
Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure
Dr. Jane LeClair The recent cyber attack on the Colonial Pipeline has created a good deal of disruption in the lives of people in the SE...
Cybersecurity and Data Science
How can data science assist cybersecurity? -Charles Parker, II Cybersecurity has tended to be siloed from other areas. When other areas...
Cybersecurity and Women
The facts speak for themselves...there are literally hundreds of thousands of unfilled cybersecurity positions, there is expected to be a...
Cybersecurity and Smart Cities
Who is responsible when the smart city crashes? Charles Parker, II Society is becoming ever-more connected on a daily basis. Consumers...
Cybersecurity, Ransomware and Tyler Tech
In this day and age, everyone and business is a target. If you have data, or your operation can be leveraged by shutting people out,...
Cybersecurity and News Releases
News releases are an interesting medium of communication. The business has news-worthy information and wishes to pass it along to...
Cybersecurity and Embedded Systems
In InfoSec, there are also embedded systems to consider In InfoSec, most of the focus and attention has been on the enterprise. When...
Cybersecurity and the Medical Field
The medical field has been targeted over the last few years for attacks. The focus has and continues to be the data being held. These...
Cybersecurity, Blockchain and Shipping Goods
Shipping goods and services can be a rather taxing process in its own right. If the product is smaller, and the contents are not on the...