Cybersecurity and Social Media
We have all heard of and probably use Twitter. Everyone recognizes the corporate logo and symbol. While there have been other social...
Cybersecurity and Your Grocery Store
Kroger Servers Targeted! Kroger is a large grocery chain in the US. In addition to the usual groceries that everyone purchases, the...
Cybersecurity and Small Business Predictions
Cyber Security Predictions for Small Businesses and Organizations The good news: most companies and individuals are more aware of cyber...
Cybersecurity and Drones
Drones and Small Business Cybersecurity Drones are being used for many creative tasks. They are now used to deliver packages and...
Cybersecurity and Municipalities
Municipalities have a very distinct problem. They are frequently targeted for ransomware and other attacks, as the attackers know their...
Cybersecurity and Accounting
With most industries, there is a trade association or group. The focus with these is to bring together leaders and members to discuss...
Cybersecurity and Summer Travel Tips
People often travel with lots of devices, many of which are could be hacked. There are a number of ways to reduce a traveler’s cyber...
Cybersecurity and Banks
Data breaches: Not just a US issue Banks are located throughout the world. They perform vital services for consumers and commercial...
Cybersecurity and Biometric Authentication Analysis
TIME AHEAD OF COVID-19: Outgrowth of Cloud Encryption Algorithm on Biometric Authentication analysis. Today, citizens of the world...
Cybersecurity and University Attacks
Michigan State University (MSU), located in East Lansing, Michigan, is one of the premier institutions in the Midwest. This is a...